World’s largest art museum that captivates with it’s famous gallery treasures Louvre, Paris video

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Louvre dominates with it’s magnificent and iconic collections of art and culture, and fascinates with all it’s immense treasures. You can easily be lost in time through these great masterpieces that are impressive. While admiring the greatest works of all times, you can travel from Ancient history to to the mid-19th century. Be prepared to complete the most intrigued and fascinating journey, and discover it’s beauty in famous paintings and sculptures within their greatest moments. Louvre has a overwhelming charm with it’s castle vibe, luxurious galleries and enormous architectural stunning building.

The museum originated in the late 12th to 13th century under Philip II, as Louvre Castle, but it wasn’t until 10th August 1793, when it first opened to public as an exhibition of some paintings. However, it continuously enlarged and nowadays it has more than 380,000 pieces of art. Louvre contains a large collection of paintings, sculptures, object of arts and archaeological treasures, making it the most visited museum in the world.

Louvre Museum facade at sunset. Pyramid on foreground. Paris, France – starpik

We found ourselves in the middle of Louvre’s grandeur discovering more and more of it’s endless beauty, completely confused when the day passed, and certainly wishing it was much longer so we could explore even more of it.

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